Today, while at the store, I realized I didn't see a "Sorry Your Mother Isn't Here on Mother's Day" card. I feel like these should be a thing. But funny ones. Not sappy: picture of umbrella with the words "I'll weather the storm with you" but more like: Sorry your mom isn't here, but at least no one will nag you to do the dishes. Let them pile up today. Why not? Or maybe - at least no one's harassing you for grandkids, go have some protected sex today!
Just saying - as someone without a father for a card on Father's Day? If you gave me one that said: here's hoping all the cookouts get rained out. Or: don't worry he's not here to dance with you for your wedding day, he was a real embarrassment on the dance floor. ....I would be their friend forever.
As a realistic bit of advice: do something that you know will remind you of the happy moments, relish in the Mother's Days you had with your mom, try to laugh at least once. But as a totally sarcastic moment: feel free to flip off all the emails you get reminding you of last minute gift ideas, scowl at the numerous Mother's Day brunch signs you pass driving home, and allow yourself to feel a little cheated. But never forget that the reason you're upset is that you had something that great, that important, and that loved. And that's why you're actually upset. Having a love that makes you feel that sad is a real gift.
I leave you with some distasteful memes, as is my style.
Seriously though - dead parent club members? Solidarity for your tomorrow. Thinking of you all.
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