Thursday, January 23, 2014

Beaver Fever

This morning I did as all red-blooded Americans do, when they first wake up. First, I checked my work phone and responded to missed emails. Then I ran through Facebook. I noticed a few posts about Justin Beiber being arrested. I thought nothing of it, until later I was sitting in my parents' living room and my mom was walking away from me and into the bathroom. Then this happened. 

Me: Justin Beiber got arrested, I guess.
Mom: Did they finally figure out he egged his neighbor's house?
Me: No. What? Why do you know that? 
Mom: Was it the drugs? 
Me: No. He got a DUI.
Mom (still yelling from the other room): Awww. No. Justin.
Me: Mom is very dissapointed, Beibs. Way to go.
Mom: You don't drink and drive. Ever. Even if you're Justin Beiber.

My sister and I were laughing. Because Dad wasn't the only comedian in our house. But then I remembered Dad's love of Justin Beiber Just kidding, Pops, don't turn the lights on and off on me tonight or anything. Seriously, dude. Don't.

When Dad passed away, people started leaving mass amounts of messages on my post about his death, or on my page. I was afraid we would miss or lose some of them. So we started printing them out, and even put together a book of the snippets for Dad's service. One in particular came to mind this morning. (Thanks for reminding me, Steph!) Here's her post:

I remember walking and raising money for Relay for Life in 2010. Stephanie Radloff Was there, and she was dealing with her tumor too. It was the only year I lived in NWI as a full-fledged adult and there were so many little moments that I'll never forget and mean a lot to me. Walking with your dad, you and Stephanie is one of those moments in my life where I got to pause and remember what is really so important. Later that night, I was talking about Justin Beiber (don't know why) but then Jim looked at me and said "Beaver Fever?" Hilarious. I'm pretty sure he wasn't referencing the kind of Beaver that builds wooden forts in a river!!!!!

Lucky for her, I remember even more of it. (and I have a picture to accompany said story of both Stephanies!'re welcome!) 

I think Stephanie was professing her love for Justin Beiber. Okay maybe, just maybe, there were a lot of young children around playing his music on the track as they walked. And she said something about Beiber fever. Dad whipped around immediately.

Dad: Beaver Fever?
Us: Uh. No. Not exactly.
Dad: I have beaver fever. Heh. Heh.

It was one of those moments where you want to applaud having such a "hilarious" father. But you're also a bit wondering if you could melt into a puddle and slink away. Lucky for me, I have awesome friends who thought it was just as hilarious as I did. 

And she's right. He certainly wasn't discussing beavers building forts. But, since he used to watch the show Two Angry Beavers with me, I like to think he also could have been referencing the following clip from the show. (Ps, he wasn't.)

The Angry Beavers - Beaver Fever from Nivaldo Lemos on Vimeo.

I'm so glad that my friends got to experience not only how "funny" (read: crass) Dad could be. But also the great things my family did, like walking for Relay for Life. That year we had raised about $8,000 for the American Cancer Society. I couldn't ask for a better (or funnier) set of parents to teach me how to give back. And when to crack a good Justin Beiber joke.

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